INDEPENDENCE (or Revolutionary War) and THE BIRTH OF THE USA
1-The War of
Independence (from_______ to ________ ) led to the creation of "the
United States of America", after a conflict with ______________ (country)
2. What year did the United States issue the Declaration of Independence?
a. 1775 b. 1776 c.
1783 d. 1786
Every year, the Americans commemorate their Independence. Do you know
on what day ?
3. Who was the first President of the United
a. George Washington b. John Adams
c. Abraham Lincoln d. Thomas Jefferson
/ SLAVERY (FROM 1619 TO 1863)
Look up information
4. What continent did most of the slaves in
the Americas come from?
a. Europe b. Asia c. South
America d. Africa
5. True or False:
Many slaves died during the trip to America due to disease and
6. What were people called who wanted to end slavery?
Abolitionists b. Federalists
c. Freedom fighters d. Slavers
"__________________________" by Harriet Beecher Stowe was published in
______ and helped people realize that slavery had to end (use google)
8. In what region of
the United States was slavery first made illegal?
a. West b. East c.
South d. North
9. What war began over a fear
that President Lincoln would end slavery?
a. World War I b. War of 1812 c.
the Civil War
It started in
________ and ended in _________
10. What was the escape route from the South to
the North called?
a. Freedom Trail b. Great Escape
Path c. Secret Passage d.
Underground Railroad
11. Which amendment to the US
Constitution outlawed slavery
(= made it illegal) in all of the United States?
a. 1st b. 5th c.
13th d. 17th
When was it ratified
? __________
SEGREGATION - "separate but equal"
12-Look up in a
dictionary the meaning of "segregation"
Look up information
13. What was the purpose* of the Jim Crow Laws ? (*le but)
a. Segregation in public places in the South
b. To keep black people and white people separate
c. To keep black people from voting
d. All of the
14. What was it called when millions of African-Americans moved north to get away from the
Jim Crow laws?
a. Underground Railroad b. Big
Move c. Great
Migration d. Freedom March
15. What areas of society were
affected by Jim Crow Laws?
a. Schools b. Prisons c.
Restaurants d. Transportation e.
All of the above
16. What laws in the South
tried to maintain something like slavery even after
the Civil War?
a. New Deal b. Black codes c.
Intolerable Acts d. African Acts
17. What law passed in 1964
helped put an end to Jim Crow Laws?
a. Civil Rights Act b. Thirteenth
Amendment c. Emancipation
Proclamation d. New Deal
CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT in the 1950s and 1960s
Look up information
18. What Supreme Court ruling
said that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional?
a. Dred Scott v. Sandford in 1857
b. Brown v. Board of Education in
1954 c. Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896
19. What civil rights leader refused
to give up her seat on the bus to a white person?
a. W.E.B Du Bois b. Rosa
Parks c. Martin Luther
King d. Harriet Tubman
20. What president signed the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law?
a. John F. Kennedy b. Dwight D.
Eisenhower c. Lyndon
Johnson d. Jimmy Carter
Look up information
21. Where was Martin Luther King, Jr. born? Locate it on the map
a. Maryland b.
Alabama c.
Georgia d. Massachusetts
22. Before getting involved in the civil rights movement, what was
Martin Luther King, Jr.'s job?
a. Lawyer b. Minister =
___________ in French c. Medical
doctor d. Professor
23. What was the first major civil
rights action that Martin Luther King, Jr. led?
a. Little Rock Nine b. March on
Washington c. Birmingham
Campaign d. Montgomery Bus Boycott
(Locate Montgomery on the map)
24. What name has been given to the
speech Martin Luther King, Jr. gave at the March on Washington
in 1963? Locate Washington on the map
a. One Day b. Washington
Address c. We
March d. I Have a Dream
25. What type of protests did
Martin Luther King, Jr. organize?
a. Violent b.
Destructive c.
Non-violent d. Armed attacks
Who was he influenced by ?
26. How did Martin Luther King, Jr. die?
a. He died in a car bomb
b. He suffered a heart attack while giving a speech
c. He died from cancer
d. He was shot by an assassin
/ Major Figures
Write the names under
the pictures. They have all been mentioned in the different questions