1. Who was the first President of the United States ?
2. Where does the President of the US live ? In what city ?
3. What is the name of the current President of the United States?
4. Is he a Democrat or a Republican?
5. Go to https://www.politics1.com/p2024.htm
What are the two main parties in the US ?
Give the names of 2 other important parties
Give the names of this year’s candidates for the 2 main parties
6. What are the symbols of these two parties? Why? Find adjectives to describe these animals
7. http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/electoral-college/key-dates.html
When will the 2024 election take place ? (exact date)
When will the elected candidate really become President ? (exact date and time)
What is the name of this “special” day ?
8. The Americans will vote for a “ticket” : look at this 2008 example
How many choices did the electors really make on the day of the election ?
What do you think is the equivalent in France of a “Representative” ?
9. In France , voters go to the polls to elect the President whereas in the US voters go to the polls to elect the Electoral College.
We can therefore consider that the US Election is
10. Have a look at https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/about
How many electors are there in the Electoral College ?
How many electoral votes does the President need to be elected ?
Some states are more "important" than others because they represent a higher number of electors. Have a look at https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/allocation
What are the 3 most important states ?
How often does the US presidential election take place ?
Complete : California population / Number of Districts / Total number of ELECTORS for California
Kansas population /Number of Districts / Total number of ELECTORS for Kansas
In California, if 19 million people vote for Trump and 17 million vote for Harris, how many ELECTORS will Trump gain ?
It is called “Winner Takes It All”
With this system, is it possible for a candidate to have more popular vote but not be elected ?
Are you finished ?
For fun...